Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in adults in the U.S. Knowing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) may help you save the life of someone who goes into cardiac arrest. Test your knowledge about CPR with this quiz.
Fill up with this hearty and simple soup. Make sure to use quick-cooking “pearled” barley.
Dry skin is a common problem. It can make your skin feel irritated and itchy. Here's how to fight back and when to seek help.
Information about COVID-19 continues to evolve. Learn how you can keep you and your family safe as this infectious disease continues to circulate. You'll find details about symptoms, treatment, and prevention, including vaccines.
Your mental health is just as important to your overall well being as your physical health. Here's information on a range of mental health topics, plus ideas on how to cope when your life hits an emotional bump.
Neuroscience focuses on your brain and nervous system, which make up your body’s complex and marvelous command center.
You want the best for your child, from good nutrition to effective discipline to a breadth of life opportunities.
There are millions of pet cats in the U.S. Sometimes cats can cause an illness called cat scratch disease. Find out more about this illness by taking this quiz.
It is important to know your estimated due date in order to help plan for the baby's birth.
Urinary incontinence means that your urine leaks out at times when you are not using the bathroom. This is a common problem for women of all ages. Learn about the risk factors you may have for UI.
People with diabetes may develop eye problems such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. In this video, you'll find out more about these problems and what you can do to prevent them. The best approach is good control of your blood sugar levels. You should also have a yearly eye exam.